Dermal Filler is one of the most popular minimally invasive aesthetic treatments. Filler gives our faces a more youthful refinement and can be used starting at younger ages for more aesthetically pleasing contours. At Refine By Farrell we treat to celebrate a natural appearance.
As we age, our faces undergo a variety of changes, causing us to appear older and often less in sync with how we identify inside. We experience volume loss, shifting of facial fat pads, decreased quality of skin, muscle loss, loss of elasticity and bone reabsorption.
Filler gives us some instant gratification! While complete results can take a couple of weeks, we start to see results immediately after injection. Benefits often last well over a year.
Dermal fillers can volumize features such as flattened cheeks and deflated lips. They can redefine jawlines and smooth smile lines. This allows us to have a happier, healthier, more youthful and more attractive appearance. This in turn, can help improve our confidence! Filler should be administered by a trained medical professional who has both medical and aesthetic expertise.
At Refine By Farrell we emphasize patient education and welcome patient input about the goals of treatment. Product type and placement as well as product amount is highly individualized. A complete facial consult is done and a medical history is taken with each patient. Priorities are outlined so short and longer term goals are addressed. Treatments are done at your comfort level without pressure. Symmetry and smoothness are our goals- not exaggerated unnatural looking features.
Many Fillers are hyaluronic acid (HA) based. This means they are formulated to closely mimic our bodies’ natural facial volume. The first filler in the popular Juvederm line was FDA approved in 2006. Since then that portfolio has expanded so that smokers’ lines, smile lines, cheeks, jawlines, and lips each have their own product type for the most natural appearing results. Results generally last 6 to 18 months, depending on treatment area and product type.
The RHA Collection has been available more recently. Also a HA filler type, this product line works to not only restore volume and reduce wrinkles at rest, but has a specific indication to help lines that appear more in motion. Results can last for 15 months.
Treatment areas are numbed to decrease any potential discomfort. Bruising and swelling are usually minimal and easily covered with make up. And again, most treatments last over a year!
Now in my 10th year of injecting and a Nurse Practitioner (APRN) for over 25 years… I truly love the absolute joy it brings my patients when they look in the mirror after treatment and see their improved look! I am grateful for my very loyal following and love it when they tell me – ‘Everyone thinks I look so great! And I am so much happier with my look!’ Its all about my patients having a positive self image and loving the choices they make!
Existing patients please text 860-287-3360 Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm for appointment scheduling. New patients may call or text for an appointment during business hours or send an email request to suzanne@refinebyfarrell.com.