Lumecca offers Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) photo rejuvenation of age spots, hyperpigmentation including freckles, and vascular lesions. Discoloration and irregularities diminish significantly giving your complexion a brighter more even appearance.
This light-based technology also brightens your skin while boosting collagen to improve wrinkles, diminishes broken capillaries- including those from Rosacea, and improves acne.
IPL works best on lighter skin types, and should be avoided when tan from sun or bronzer and while taking photosensitizing medications. Downtime is generally minimal. Pre-and post care as well as cost and series information will be reviewed with in consultation with your treating provider.
Individual results may vary.

Additional days and times are always available! Please email or call 860-287-3360 for additional times and other available days!